Nov 03, 2014
Psychoanalyst and Co-Founder of The National Institute for the Psychotherapies Publishes Vivid Memoir of Surviving the Holocaust as a Child
Jun 28, 2013
Wendy Gaynor recounts the life-altering day and aftermath of her oldest daughter’s traumatic brain injury in her memoir "Mom, I Want To Speak to Marie Antoinette: A Story About Traumatic Brain Injury, Abuse, Death, Divorce, Love & Laughter”
Jan 03, 2013
Sirius + Caine -- “String Theories” ------ New York - Friday, January 25, 2013 ----- Boston Premiere - Sunday, January 27, 2013
Oct 30, 2012
'Evolution' - The Growing Diversity of Music - Five Stellar Events Friday, November 30 - Friday, December 7, 2012 at Various Venues in New York City - Featuring Lara St. John, Valerie Coleman and Over 100 Contemporary Composers
Aug 13, 2011
John Carter's play delves into the astonishing life of Lou Salomé, the prototype liberated woman and a muse to Nietzsche, Rilke and Freud. Nothing is off limits here. Audiences will resonate to her passion and her hunger for life.