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Von Forell Australia Press releases

101 - 110 of 206 Press Releases

Feb 17, 2011
Congratulations on your brilliant 'bible' on tracking.

Feb 14, 2011
I recommend this book to anyone interested in tracking of course, but also to anyone with an interest in dog behaviour and how dogs learn. The science behind the writing is spot on and the methods can and should be used in all areas of dog training.

Feb 11, 2011
The system you describe seems completely logical to me, and if implemented correctly, would be the best way to maximise the dog's understanding of the task.

Feb 10, 2011
I highly recommend his book to Schutzhund/IPO hobbyists and sport competitors and any tracking enthusiasts who are looking for refreshing ideas to expand their own tracking systems.

Feb 10, 2011
I have picked up new ideas and I will include these ideas into my training. The book is for every tracking handler and a very good manual for tracking training.

Jan 31, 2011
Highly recommended for anyone who want to learn not only the correct method of tracking but why we are using these methods.

Jan 29, 2011
In simple word, to get 100 points in tracking just follow kris's tracking book.

Jan 26, 2011
I recently read ‘HOW TO ACHIEVE PRECISION TRACKING WITH YOUR DOG’ by Kris Kotsopolous and found it to be both thought provoking and motivating.

Jan 21, 2011
Many live matings using Norse produced outstanding dogs, therefore we decided his semen would remain on ice until a truly exemplary (purpose bred) bitch was produced that would most compliment such a prestigious sire.

Jan 21, 2011
Struck by inspiration, Kris realised that it was not the dog that had the problem but the conventional training philosophy he had been employing. Three weeks later he entered the competition and received 100 points for tracking, a perfect score.

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