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Found Money Press releases

1 - 10 of 40 Press Releases

Jun 07, 2013
A new scholarship winner is announced by the Edward Palonek Scholarship. It's $250 and it goes directly to the student and you do not need high grade scores to qualify. Pretty easy and quick.

Oct 24, 2012
Three new bank closures occurred in October 2012 but the trend of closures appears to be slowing down from the previous two years. However a substantial amount of depositors’ cash and dividends are still unclaimed.

Jul 26, 2012
Each year millions of individuals and companies lose track of their bank accounts, cash, stocks, bonds, refunds, safe deposit boxes and even gift cards. Edward Palonek of is helping these people reunite with their unclaimed money.

Apr 12, 2012
"Unredeemed gift cards are becoming a new and significant source of revenue for states desperately trying to balance their budgets", says Edward Palonek from

Apr 04, 2012
The IRS is holding holding over $1 billion in unclaimed tax refunds from over 1 million Americans. This money has to be claimed by April 17, 2012 otherwise it can never get claimed.

Feb 22, 2012
New York State has passed a new law that now required holders of Abandoned Property, such as, bank accounts, stocks and bonds and utility deposits to hand over this unclaimed assets to the State Comptroller much sooner that before.

Feb 16, 2012
Life Insurance Companies are being made accountable in ensure that every effort is being made to locate the beneficiaries to life insurance policies, says founder of, Edward Palonek.

Feb 08, 2012
Every day thousands of people lose track of their bank accounts, cash, stocks, bonds, refunds, safe deposit boxes and gift cards. Edward Palonek of is helping people just like you reunite with their unclaimed cash.

Jan 19, 2012
Foundmoney was the first company to make the national database of unclaimed money searchable on the World Wide Web.

Jan 11, 2012
A new scholarship just got created at It's called the Edward Palonek Scholarship. It's $250 and it goes directly to the student and you do not need high grade scores to qualify.

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