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World's Number One Productions Press releases

21 - 30 of 59 Press Releases

Jul 22, 2011
Diegodego se prepara para Una nueva gira musical alrededor del mundo. que incluye Europa, Mexico, Centro, Sur America y todos los Estado Unidos.

Jul 22, 2011
Diegodiego is ready for his new musical tour around the world including Europe, Mexico, Central and South America and all over the United States.

Jul 14, 2011
"Yo no vengo de familia artistica, Cada exito logrado en mi carrera me lo eh ganado a base de trabajo y mucha preparacion" - Diegodiego

Jun 21, 2011
The sex symbol and current star of "Parejas Infieles" (Cheaters) feels grateful and very lucky to be a part of this historic celebration of true expression in art.

Jan 12, 2011
Diegodiego is recognized by the public and media, as the world's most famous entertainer Conquering Hollywood and the U.S.. Spain, Mexico, Central and South America.

Oct 12, 2010
Numero Uno en las listas de Exitos Musicales Diegodiego es Reconocido como el artista mas famoso, Querido y Aclamado del mundo.

Oct 12, 2010
Ningun otro artista se habia atrevido a combinar la sexualidad con la musica y sonidos tan originales como lo hace El artista mas famoso del mundo.

Oct 11, 2010
Do as The World's Most Famous Entertainer, celebrate your Freedom In Freedom Reigns Underwear.

Oct 04, 2010
Que orgullo de que un hispano salga de la nada y se convierta en “El artista mas famoso del mundo”.

Sep 26, 2010
More exclusive than the same Madonna and Lady GaGa. Diegodiego currently charges quarter of a million dollars for his live presentations.

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