Hosting And Designs L.L.C. Press releases
May 05, 2016
Hosting And Designs L.LC. is pleased to announce Plesk Web APP by Odin is now included with all hosting services which includes dedicated servers and Virtual Private Server packages.
Apr 07, 2016
Smartphones and tablets are becoming more commonplace in the workplace with employees and even replacing tower computers and laptops completely.
Mar 16, 2016
Secure Socket Layer certificates can be an important part of security for any website but is often a feature that is reluctantly purchased due to the expense involved.
Jan 28, 2016
Enabling basic configuration safeguards can go a long way in securing many office networks. However, even default security configurations are in many instances not adequate to avoid breaches or patch up security holes.
Jan 01, 2016
Smartphones have been used for web surfing for a few years now but increasingly, these same smartphones have also evolved into shoppers looking for an easy and convenient solution to purchase products and services with minimal effort and fast loading...
Nov 25, 2015
Purchasing any new iPhone from Apple will cost a good deal especially when the smartphone has no long term 2 year contract tied to it.
Nov 13, 2015
Rootkits are considered by many server administrators and owners to be one of the most evil pieces of malware that can exist on a dedicated server.
Oct 23, 2015
Hillsboro, Oregon, October 23, 2015 – Acquisition International magazine have announced the winners of the 2015 Sector Performance Awards and Hosting And Designs L.L.C is honored to be part of this esteemed group.
Sep 09, 2015
A contract free iPhone usually means an expensive up-front cost to avoid a 2 year contract. However in the long term the total cost of the iPhone would cost more than a larger up front cost.
Jul 10, 2015
The GSM network is now possible with the contract free mobile phone carrier Ting. Anyone with an unlocked GSM smartphone can use Ting services.