Jan 13, 2015
HCL Social Care would like to congratulate Uma Mehta for being named on the 2015 honours list. Ms Mehta, chief community services lawyer at Islington Borough Council, was made a CBE for services to children.
Dec 23, 2014
It was reported yesterday that four out of five nurses working in the UK are from overseas; HCL Permanent asks is this surprising news?
Dec 23, 2014
London, 02 December 2014 –HCL Workforce Solutions is pleased to announce the launch of its partnership with the national charity Rethink Mental Illness.
Nov 27, 2014
HCL Clarity wins Procurement and Supply Chain Management Collaboration award
Nov 06, 2014
18 months on from when Worcester Acute Hospitals NHS Trust (WAHT) launched HCL Clarity’s innovative workforce management platform, the progress is plain to see.
Oct 23, 2014
HCL Clarity has built on a very successful period by further expanding their team, with the new member, Daniel Poku, joining as Partnership Manager.
Aug 19, 2014
Following on from a very successful 18 month pilot with HCL Clarity, in which HCL’s managed services solution helped Worcester Acute Hospitals Trust (WAHT) to save in excess of £1million on its agency spend, the Trust is launching HCL Clarity’s new...
Mar 10, 2014
We are delighted to announce that from March 2014, HCL Social Care will be partnering with The Victoria Climbié Foundation.
Mar 03, 2014
Following the success of 2013’s Change Day, the NHS will be relaunching the campaign ‘to do something better together’ on the 3rd March 2014.
Feb 18, 2014
HCL Social Care is pleased to announce it is launching an innovative recruitment partnership with Hertfordshire County Council.