Apr 17, 2012
H & R Fire and safety launches a new web site devoted to information and services in the field of Emergency Eyewash and Shower stations.
Sep 28, 2010
Fire; it’s something most of us deal with in one way or another every day. Fire prevention on the other hand, is something we rarely consider.
Sep 27, 2010
Emergency Eyewash and Shower stations, they’re a great item to have, but most people who work around hazardous conditions pass by them every day not giving them a second thought.
Nov 24, 2009
Years ago it was common and even the norm for a man and a woman to be married a lifetime. Today, it’s a different story.
Sep 28, 2009
The best way to avoid putting out a fire, is to not have a fire to put out in the first place. With the development of flameproof materials over the years you would think that unexpected fires would be a thing of the past; well you would be wrong.
Jun 26, 2009
Years ago the most common form of rain suit might have been a garbage bag with holes cut in it for your head and arms. Today there are literally hundreds of types, styles, colors, and materials to choose from.
Jun 26, 2009
New Book is man’s informative guide to a lasting and fulfilling commitment.
Mar 31, 2009
The month of April is designated as National Face Protection Month. OSHA regards face protection as “Secondary” protection for the user. “Primary” protection like goggles and safety eyewear must always be worn in addition to face protection.
Feb 28, 2009
St. Patrick’s Day isn’t the only reason to think about wearin’ green this March. Safety vests have been around for a number of years and like the old “Model T Ford” they used to be available in just one color…for vests it was orange.
Feb 02, 2009
Since 1963 the United States Congress has required each sitting President to declare February “American Heart Month”. Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans, but AEDs are saving more and more lives.