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HealthCubed Press releases

1 - 5 of 5 Press Releases

Mar 07, 2024
In rural India, accessing healthcare services, especially for women, remains a formidable challenge. Recent screening data from HealthCube reveals a striking trend: 86% of individuals screened in rural and remote areas are females.

Nov 27, 2023
What are Point-of-care medical devices Point-of-care medical devices are in vitro diagnostics used by health care professionals to obtain results rapidly near or at the site of a patient, which facilitates disease diagnosis, monitoring, and management.

Oct 13, 2023
"Runam Mehta, HealthCube's CEO, is celebrated as Women's Health Leader of the Year at the Global Women's Health Innovation Conference.

Oct 04, 2023
In the vast landscapes of rural India, where traditional healthcare infrastructure struggles to reach, HealthCube's portable diagnostic devices have emerged as a beacon of hope.

Sep 29, 2023
Discover how HealthCubed's innovative portable devices, including HCXL, are revolutionizing heart health by enabling early detection and accessible diagnostics.

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