Oct 19, 2011
Healthy Advice Networks announced extraordinary results again this year, averaging new prescription incremental gains of 13.4% in test vs. control across their primary care networks and 13.1% in their specialty networks.
Aug 23, 2011
Focus on the Customer was the overarching theme at the inaugural eyeforpharma Customer Centric Marketing conference held recently. The conference was co-chaired by Deborah Schnell, President of Sales & Strategic Planning at Healthy Advice Networks.
Aug 10, 2011
Healthy Advice Networks announces that their partner, MediaForce PR, was awarded a contract to promote an FDA campaign educating consumers about prescription misuse. Healthy Advice Networks will deliver PSAs for government & non-profit organizations.
May 31, 2011
Measures Actual Product Purchases Driven by a Brand’s Message at Point-of-Care
May 04, 2011
Healthy Advice Networks, a leading provider of award-winning patient & physician engagement programs at the point-of-care announces launch of HealthQuicks; short, educational audio/video segments designed for mobile devices.
Mar 31, 2011
Healthy Advice® Networks announces a new suite of services utilizing latest technologies in digital localization, QR codes & SMS short codes to address the changing media consumption of consumers.
Feb 16, 2011
Healthy Advice® Networks, a provider of point-of-care patient & physician engagement programs participated in the 2nd Annual M2W-HC Marketing Healthcare to Women Conference where Scott Nesbitt delivered a presentation.
Jan 13, 2011
Healthy Advice® Networks, a provider of point-of-care health-education programs for consumers and physicians, recently hosted a panel of primary care physicians at eyeforpharma’s 7th Annual Patient Adherence & Engagement Summit.
Oct 27, 2010
Healthy Advice® Networks a health-education provider for consumers & physicians announced recognition as a leader of award-winning health information again by National Health Information Awards forum. It received a total of 39 awards.
Oct 07, 2010
Healthy Advice® Networks announced outstanding results.The industry averaged a weak total Rx growth rate of only 2.7%, Healthy Advice Networks avg new Rx incremental gains of 10% across their primary care networks & 11.5% in their specialty networks