Jan 16, 2025
IT Security Awareness Training for Employees to follow ISO/IEC 27001
Apr 30, 2017
The new Windows software is called "HissenIT Masterdata". It is an easy-to-use master data management software.
May 24, 2016
Reports on cyber attacks have increased tremendously over the last years. Information technologies are the essential part of any business and a huge part in our private life.
Mar 07, 2016
Berichte über Cyper-Angriffe haben in den letzten Jahren massiv zugenommen. Informationstechnologien sind ein essentieller Teil beinahe aller Geschäftsfelder und Branchen geworden. Dies gilt gleichermaßen für den privaten Alltag.
Feb 04, 2016
Reports on cyber attacks have increased tremendously over the last years. Information technologies are the essential part of any business and a huge part in our private life.
Nov 17, 2015
The easy-to-use back-end library CrococryptLib by HissenIT allows for the easiest integration of state-of-the-art password management.
Sep 27, 2015
CrococryptLib für Android ist eine Bibliothek für mobile Apps, die eine einfache Integration von Passwort-basierter Verschlüsselung, Hashwert-Berechnungen und anderen Kryptographieoperationen ermöglicht.
Sep 25, 2015
CrococryptLib 1.4 for Android released: A library for mobile apps that allows the most easiest integration of password-based encryption, hashes and other cryptography operations.
Aug 23, 2015
HissenIT recently released CrococryptLib for Java: A library for Java back-end, desktop and mobile applications that allows the most easiest integration of encryption and other cryptography operations.
May 10, 2015
HissenIT recently released an open-source file encryption software called CrococryptFile. It is a file encryption tool which creates encrypted archives of arbitrary files and folders.