Apr 10, 2012
Hole In One International, the nation's leading hole in one insurance provider, publishes their annual list of dream hole in one prizes.
Sep 30, 2010
Reno, Nevada based hole in one insurance company's website offers instant online hole in one insurance coverage, a blog featuringinsured hole in one prize winners, video of million-dollar hole in ones and free resources for golf tourament directors.
Apr 09, 2010
Hole In One International Gives Away Free $50 Gift Cards for Every Tournament Participant
Apr 01, 2010
Hole In One International offers a free golf tournament planning guide on their website
Mar 24, 2009
Nation’s leading hole in one insurance provider, Hole In One International, explains why tough economic times require tempting hole in one prizes.
Mar 19, 2009
Hole In One International, the nation's leading hole in one insurance provider, offers 20 suggestions for creative hole in one prizes to help golf tournament organizers attract more golfers.
Jul 09, 2008
Hole In One Insurer Offers Putting Contests Featuring $2,500 in Free Gas, Free Groceries or Cold, Hard Cash for as Little as $150
Jul 07, 2008
Hole In One Insurer Gives Away Luxury Autos, Lavish Vacations, and Life-Changing Amounts of Cold, Hard Cash for as Little as $150
Jun 26, 2008
The country’s largest hole-in-one insurance provider announced today it will be giving away free golf clubs to golf event participants.
Jun 16, 2008
A man won $50,000, paid for by Hole In One International, after holing a 50-foot putt during a recent fundraising golf tournament.