Dec 13, 2010
The 1960 graduating class of Salem’s Andrew Lewis High School sponsored a drawing for a signed P. Buckley Moss print and donated the proceeds to HopeTree Academy.
Dec 10, 2010
The Moss in the Valley chapter of the P. Buckley Moss Society holds drawing to benefit HopeTree Academy.
Dec 10, 2010
The Developmental Disabilities In-Home Care program allow resident Carrie to live an independent, self-sufficient life while still under the necessary care and supervision of the HopeTree staff.
Dec 08, 2010
When the scoreboard at the HopeTree Family Services' gymnasium stopped working, Fast Signs owner and frequent referee of games in the gymnasium, Bill Jones, donated a new one.
Dec 08, 2010
HopeTree Academy students build an Appalachian-themed cabin for the Salem Christmas parade.