Mar 18, 2015
The 2015 ICEF Mexico – Colombia Agent Roadshow (Mar 10 – 13) was a fantastic event, growing overall by 21%. The biggest sector growth was seen in the number of educators at the event, which increased by 62%.
Mar 04, 2015
The sold out ICEF Japan - Korea Agent Roadshow highlighted a continued interest in the region as a source for international student recruitment.
Feb 11, 2015
The ICEF Dubai Workshop grew substantially this year, hosting 431 participants (+23%) from 48 countries around the world. Impressive growth was seen in all key participant groups: service providers 45%, educators 30% and agents 14%.
Dec 16, 2014
The 2014 ICEF North America Workshop - Miami welcomed 1 052 participants, representing an impressive 5% growth over 2013.
Oct 22, 2014
The 2014 ICEF Beijing Workshop took place in China last week (Oct 15 - 17). Welcoming over 400 participants, the event continued its trend of growth.
Oct 20, 2014
The China Education Agent Course (CEAC), created by ICEF and the Beijing Overseas Study Service Association (BOSSA) was launched this week at a special signing ceremony between ICEF CEO, Markus Badde and BOSSA President, Peng Sang at ICEF Beijing.
Sep 23, 2014
Held September 13 – 15, in Prague, Czech Republic, the 2014 ICEF Higher Education Workshop was once again a resounding success.
Aug 14, 2014
The ICEF Education Fund is pleased to announce their collaboration with Travel Safe International.
Mar 14, 2014
14 March 2014 Earlier today, ICEF celebrated its 100th Canada Course Graduate (CCG).
Mar 13, 2014
13 March 2014 The first ever ICEF Mexico – Colombia Agent Roadshow was held in early March in Mexico City and Bogotá. This sold out event saw 249 participants from 16 countries hold 1 436 pre-scheduled meetings.