Mar 12, 2013
Every time something new comes out and gets outrageously popular - and people start making money from it - someone comes along to sound the death bell.
Mar 11, 2013
Tax season comes the same time every year, but many freelancers are caught by surprise each time (I used to be in this group - for years!).
Mar 06, 2013
I've been writing/selling my own ebooks since 2004. Now that biggies like Amazon have made self-publishing so easy (and profitable!) , there's no better time to "write to sell." And, ebooks don't have to be long. Here are 3 reasons "shorts" sell.
Mar 05, 2013
Becuase I've self-published over 50 ebooks, I receive questions from newbies all the time. One recently wrote: Could you please let me know your reason for not joining the KDP on Amazon? I've heard that the free promotions on KDP lead to more sales.
Feb 27, 2013
Because themed SEO web content takes longer to write - and tends to rank higher in search engines - as an SEO writer, you can charge more for it. A lot more. Here's what themed SEO content is, and how it differs from regular SEO content.
Feb 26, 2013
As the author of over 50 ebooks, I get a lot of questions about self-publishing. One writer wrote in, saying, I am considering writing an ebook, just for some sort of income ... could you give me some probability estimate (of how much I'll earn)?
Feb 25, 2013
I've been writing and selling ebooks online since 2004. To date, I've written over 50. Hence, I receive a lot of questions from many who are new to the self-publishing game. A frequent one is "How long should an ebook be?" Read on for some insight.
Feb 24, 2013
Freelance writing rates are all over the place. And, believe it or not, you can lose freelance writing jobs by not charging enough. Following is some insight as to why/how.
Feb 22, 2013
Following are three types of digital freelance writing jobs that are hot right now, and that pay extremely well.
Feb 20, 2013
One of the most effective ways to generate sales and leads is to write an ebook and offer it as a free download from your site. Following are three tips that will assist you in not only writing an ebook, but writing it fast!