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Ivy Hollow Media Press releases

31 - 40 of 58 Press Releases

Aug 06, 2008
It is time for a new national energy policy and for candidates to work together for the security of our nation. We propose the "North America for Americas" new policy to bring together the USA, Mecxico and Canada in a new partnership.

Jun 04, 2008
As Obama settles into his new role of standard bearer for the Democratic party and launched his quest for the presidency his maturity will be determined by the choices he makes such as the vice presidential candidate, Sam Nunn.

Jun 02, 2008
Why do Bush and Paulson ignore the oil price manipulations and how can we help the CFTC undertake a meaningful investigation of the oil price conspiracy? Who are the targets and what are the chances of getting to the truth?

Jun 01, 2008
The Democratic primary season is sliding to a bizzare conclusion thanks to the DNC rules committee and the decision to seat all the Florida and Michigan delegates but only allow them 1/2 vote. Hillary balks at decision and issues misleading ad.

May 27, 2008
With politicians, oil companies and investment houses pointing fingers who is to blame for the oil crisis and what can really be done about it? America has been hijacked so what are we going to do?

May 21, 2008
After writing 12 articles showing the connection between the sub-prime mortgage losses and oil price profits as well as the secret ownership deals powering the oil increases we think the only hope is to impeach the entire congress.

May 20, 2008
In the midst of being inundated with polls during the presidential campaign do we really know if a poll is accurate, done properly, or follows scientific principles? Of course we don't even though polls are being used all the time to influence us.

May 12, 2008
With no logical explanation for the record oil prices we look behind the analysts and analysis for hidden reasons guiding the Demons and their black gold.

May 08, 2008
As Barack Obama closes in on the Democratic nomination this letter offers a plea to him to remember what it means to be the president of the United States, the most powerful person on earth, and the responsibilities involved.

May 06, 2008
Oil analysts have a major impact on oil prices whether they represent financial institutions or the news media but how much do we know about the analysts and what interest might they have in the record prices?

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