Oct 11, 2013
Jacquée Thomas, known as Jacquée T., begins a "Word of the Day" series via the 'A Romantic's Perspective'.com Writer in Residence actual and virtual expedition.
Aug 30, 2013
Jacquée T. embarks on an actual and virtual "Writer in Residence" expedition this September. She shares a travelogue featuring her "Residence" destinations while providing updates on her upcoming Kindle books. Her first stop: Lawrence Kansas.
May 20, 2013
Jacquée T. celebrates wedding season romance by offering copies of her poetry book at special prices for wedding party gifts, along with elegant ways to offer it as a gift to those who partake the joyous occasion..
Apr 19, 2013
April is National Poetry Month. Jacquée T. encourages folks to pause for poetry. She also celebrates via her poetry book by offering 25% off the cover price through May 1st, 2013.
Feb 11, 2013
"A Romantic's Perspective"(.com) celebrates an anniversary every February, yet the premise represents that romance is to be celebrated every day.
Nov 16, 2012
CHICAGO: St. Nicolas Cathedral School hosts the 3rd annual indoor Winter Market and Artisan Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. this weekend, Saturday-Sunday, November 17-18.
Jul 24, 2012
Jacquée T., the voice behind "A Romantic's Perspective"(.com) features the sailing season in her web site 2012 Chicago section. She offers perspectives as a landlubber who has dabbled in sailing regattas and who has mingled with the sailors.
Jul 05, 2012
Jacquée T. showcases First Dates among the five 'A Romantic's Perspective'(.com) categories where she features articles and suggestions. "First Dates is about icebreakers and conversation-starters," she says, "and a gallant attitude."
Jul 02, 2012
Jacquée Thomas, or Jacquée T., the voice behind "A Romantic's Perspective"(.com)., chose 'Wine Notes' as one of the web site five feature categories. "I host this area as a wine aficionada," she says. "I'm a seasoned enthusiast."
Jun 30, 2012
Movies on the big screen have grand potential to inspire one's emotions. Therefore it behooves Jacquée T., the voice behind "A Romantic's Perspective".com, to include Cinema as one of the five "Romantic's" categories. She is particular.