Jul 14, 2013
COST of doing business SLASHED! Recent information field technology advances are exploited by research group.
Nov 08, 2012
The God Helmet technology is now available to the public for consciousness expansion , awareness, astral projection and other consciousness and vibration raising activities in 2012 and beyond with a greatly simplified signal set from www.Jeftech.net.
Sep 02, 2012
On Tuesday August 28th 2012, the experienced technophile and seasoned paranormal researcher JEF HARVEY appeared once again on the nationally syndicated Kevin Smith Show, discussing Todd Murphy's latest masterpiece, the “Paranormal Shakti” system.
Apr 07, 2012
Dr. MA Persinger, the developer of the God Helmet, an apparatus that let a few people see God in his laboratory, recently published a report in which a person had an OBE experience just after magnetic brain stimulation that lasted only five minutes.