May 05, 2014
My Body Belongs to Me - A Book About Body Safety Helps Keep Children Safe
Mar 23, 2014
In Honor of April's Child Abuse Prevention Month, NYC Child Abuse/Sex Crimes Prosecutor Jill Starishevsky Outlines 10 Reasons Parents Do Not Discuss Child Sexual Abuse
Apr 13, 2013
Recent allegations of a NYC school teacher raping his former student follow the pattern of the many that come before it. The Innocence Revolution holds the solution.
Apr 09, 2013
April 14, 2013 marks the global initiative. Over 30 countries signed on to host events to promote child sexual abuse prevention.
May 25, 2011
New study indicates media underreports child sexual abuse and omits discussions about prevention. Jill Starishevsky, prosecutor of child abuse and sex crimes has penned a children's book called My Body Belongs to Me to teach about prevention.