Aug 22, 2011
Kenneth Anderson Nature Socıety, an NGO working at the Hosur Forest Divısion conducted frontline protection training for the staff of Hosur forest Division.
Jul 04, 2011
The grizzled giant squirrel(GGS) is listed by IUCN as near threatened. In 2009 it was discovered in the Hosur Forest Division during the bio-diversity survey by ANCF and KANS.
Nov 21, 2010
Kenneth Anderson nature socıety, a NGO working at the Hosur forest divısion conducted wildlife protection and enforcement training program for the Hosur forest divısion rangers and DFO, at Aiyur eco-awareness camp in Aiyur range in Hosur FD.
Oct 14, 2010
On the occasion of the 56th Wildlife Week, the Kenneth Anderson Nature Society (KANS) conducted 2 programs, Nature camp and painting competition to spread the awareness of nature and wildlife among children of Hosur