KL Communications, Inc. Press releases
Apr 27, 2016
KL Communications announces that its Customer Advisory Co-Creation Community, developed with client partners at Con Edison, is a Finalist for the Expanding Excellence Award for Innovation in Customer Service at this year's CS Week Conferenc
Feb 13, 2013
KL Communications, Inc., a Red Bank, NJ based collaborative research agency, has acquired Grupthink, a company that specializes in collaborative online discussions that allow participants to provide feedback on moderated challenges and problems.
Sep 10, 2012
KL Communications to have Big Presence at Upcoming ESOMAR Congress and Crowdsortium Symposium
Jun 11, 2012
Kevin Lonnie and Angela Zavila of KL Communications, Inc. will hold a webinar on Wednesday, June 13, to discuss ways to use social media to supplement traditional MR methods.
Apr 26, 2012
Sean Holbert and Laura Penrose of KL Communications, Inc., are slated to speak on the importance of empowering consumers through marketing research technologies at THE Market Research Technology Event, to be held April 30 – May 2 in Las Vegas.
Mar 22, 2012
Kevin Lonnie, President and CEO, of KL Communications, Inc., will be co-presenting with Leonard Murphy, CEO, BrandScan 360, at Re:think 2012 – the ARF Annual Convention + Insights Zone, to be held in NYC March 26 and 27.
Mar 09, 2012
Kevin Lonnie, President and CEO of KL Communications, Inc., will appear on Radio NewMR, to speak about the changes impacting the future of market research over the next few years.
Feb 01, 2012
KL Communications and Crowsourcing.org recently collaborated on a series of industry reports analyzing social media conversations focusing on crowdsourcing companies. The goal was to gauge buzz and sentiment within this rapidly evolving sector.
Jan 16, 2012
Kevin Lonnie, President and CEO of KL Communications Inc. will be co-hosting a webinar entitled "Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear", with Sean Holbert, EVP & Client Relations on January 25th from 1-2pm EST.
Nov 07, 2011
Allyssa Gresser, Vice President of Client Relations at KL Communications, Inc., will be speaking on how the iPad has impacted the nation’s media consumption at today’s Market Research Event in Orlando.