Oct 25, 2023
It has been said that good work is worth doing, whether the outcome is promised or not.
Oct 23, 2023
It will require a concerted multi-disciplinary effort to identify the best ways to produce a rapid global adoption of new norms for consumption
Oct 20, 2023
Whatever the outcome of the next papal election, members of the College of Cardinals, as bishops in active ministry, diplomats, intellectuals and papal advisers, will have a profound role in shaping that future
Oct 03, 2023
Shawn Quincy Melton, who died in 2000, was labeled a suspect by police after he provided information about the killing and sexual assault of Jeremy Stoner that they said only the killer could know
Oct 03, 2023
The founders expected a permanent battle for power between the Congress, and the presidency
Sep 27, 2023
Esoteric texts that required deeper philosophical knowledge, like the Gospel of Truth or Gospel of Judas, may have been ideal for some Christians
Sep 21, 2023
A statement of introduction for care by alternative practices, "I am here to support you in whatever is meaningful to you right now and whatever is most important in your life in this moment"
Sep 21, 2023
"Theory", they controlled the world's finances, and that they were the power behind many a throne
Sep 20, 2023
It's about being able to openly share past trauma, feel loved, and connected, and so much more.
Sep 15, 2023
As scientific advancements continues more data confirms the actual facts of ancient events