Nov 13, 2009
SL-26 Telescope represents the most innovative, cutting-edge technology yet introduced for above-ground lighting systems.
Nov 13, 2009
Belero — Completely redesigned landscape flood light, available in a range of lower-watt, energy-conserving light sources.
Nov 13, 2009
ALLSCAPE has announced that all company in-ground products now meet European Commission standards for carrying the official CE mark. Ian R. Ibbitson, general manager of the company, made the announcement.
Nov 13, 2009
ALLSCAPE, the manufacturer of architectural landscape and outdoor lighting products, a Philips Group brand was selected to provide lighting design services and fixtures for the project.
Apr 24, 2009
New Product Introduction: LL-313/314/315 — family of contemporary low-level pathway bollards for commercial and residential use.
Mar 24, 2009
All brochures have been converted from being merely in electronic format, to also being in the newest digital magazine format for compatibility with those design specifiers and others who prefer paperless access.
Dec 17, 2008
The site is believed to be one of the first and most substantial 9/11 memorials anywhere in the country. The memorial, designed and sculpted by noted Albuquerque artist Reynaldo Rivera, and is more than half the length of a football field.
Oct 27, 2008
Upgrade Conversion Kits allow ALLSCAPE customers to upgrade to the latest ultra energy-efficient, longlife LED technology, without purchase of new fixtures.
Oct 27, 2008
FL-53 INTRA Ciello — landscape building- or column-mounted energy-conserving landscape floodlight luminaire with integral internal power supply.
Aug 06, 2008
New concept in multiple aimable LED landscape lighting increases output, flexibility, saves direct costs, installation and maintenance, at no sacrifice to extraordinary energy efficiency.