Mar 04, 2014
Fast Newsletters provides a sharp real estate newsletter for busy, cost-conscious real estate agents.
Jan 09, 2014
New low-cost newsletter service for busy real estate agents. $9/mo done-for-you, fully customizable real estate newsletter that uses direct response marketing techniques to create engagement with past clients, referral sources, and prospects.
Oct 21, 2013
Here are seven bite-sized tales that put a chill in the spine and cause a nervous laugh, without being gross, bloody, mean, or otherwise permanently scarring. Still, a good ghost story is supposed to frighten, right?
May 13, 2013
A new ebook provides completely prep-free learning games that can be used in any setting with minimal resources and on zero budget.
Aug 28, 2012
Books on weight loss are a dime a dozen. So imagine the effectiveness of a book that climbs to #3 in it's category in just 5 days!
Aug 24, 2012
A new eBook by Linda Schneider provides 12 fast, proven tricks to boost your willpower in the moment when you're most tempted to eat. The eBook is available FREE for a limited time, and just $2.99 afterwards.