Dec 10, 2010
Consumers in Australia and New Zealand now have a direct import option for completely natural Vitamin C, Zinc, Black Currant, and Pine Cone Extract Immune Nutrition Supplement.
May 10, 2010
The popular do-it-yourself inch-loss and detoxification home seaweed Herbal Body Wrap is offered at significant savings through Friday.
Apr 13, 2010
Australia and New Zealand will benefit from permanent price reductions at on Life Force International products such as Body Balance organic liquid vitamins, Herbal Body Wrap, and other liquid nutritional supplements.
Mar 23, 2010
Life Force online retailer announced today that they are now offering professional level certification for spas, salons, and estheticians who wish to offer seaweed herbal body wraps.
Feb 02, 2010 announced today that they will be offering free shipping for orders totaling a minimum amount now through February 26, 2010.
Jan 27, 2010
Weight loss shows are popularizing the use of protein powders, but one Nutrition Specialist warns against the use of those with artificial sweeteners.
Jan 18, 2010
How can buying liquid vitamins for yourself helping with the Haitian relief effort? The answer lies with
Dec 31, 2009
‘Out with the old, in with the new’ shouldn’t generate garbage, says award-winning liquid vitamins retailer They are expanding their award-winning commitment to Green Office Practices by using single-stream recycling.
Dec 24, 2009
Liquid vitamins retailer has announced they will feature Life Force International’s groundbreaking promotion of half-off one Life Force item per month running now through April 2010.
Dec 18, 2009
Understanding the organic origin of the Life Force International liquid vitamins they sell, has joined the "1% for the Planet" organization, committing 1% of a year's revenues to support an environmental stewardship organization.