Feb 06, 2014
Communication occurs almost exclusively on the reading and listening side.
Jan 28, 2014
Digital marketing, design and printing… Avoid drab, go for the grab!
Jan 21, 2014
The Art and Science of Measurement, Testing and Analytics in Direct Mail.
Jan 14, 2014
MVS Mailers explains why the “true marketer” already has the gift of motivation.
Jul 09, 2013
Some words attract more attention than others. Words such as: You, Save, Act Now, Guarantee, Discovery, Exclusive, Powerful, Results, Bonus, Compare, Proven, Safety.
Jun 28, 2013
Direct marketing is all about response. Prior to social media entering the direct marketer’s domain, direct mail was used by many to get the greatest response possible. There are thousands of books and white papers on the use of direct marketing.
Jun 19, 2013
At a meeting with a potential new customer, how would you answer this question? “Tell me about your customer service.”
May 30, 2013
Do you listen to your customers when they speak with their data?
May 15, 2013
Designing for direct mail is a combination of words and images. They each are quite different things and can interact in unpredictable ways.
May 10, 2013
A new home has hardwood floors. That is a feature. A benefit of hardwood floors is they last longer, increasing the resale value of the home. In actuality, that’s two benefits for the price of one feature.