Jun 25, 2016
Why does change management not fully deliver its intended results? Join us Tuesday 6/28/16 for a seminar to find out!
Oct 12, 2014
Presented by Ronald M. Allen, of Managing Change, LLC Expert panelists will explain how crowdfunding can be used to raise capital, test market consumer interest, strengthen brand identity and create awareness for your goods and services.
Sep 09, 2014
Career investment through professional development at New Jersey Institute of Technology - IT Project Management
Aug 26, 2014
Burlington County College presents Crowdfunding seminar for entrepreneurs, businesses and start ups
Feb 24, 2014
This prestigious achievement is awarded to training professionals in our network who have demonstrated outstanding quality and professionalism, over the course of 100+ TTA engagements, with a variety of clients.
Feb 10, 2014
Our guest's share with you their own life’s perspectives on mapping their minds for success. Twice weekly programming now seeking your in-kind and financial support.
Feb 08, 2014
I am proud to announce that we have reached our first milestone on Blog Talk Radio with our twice weekly programming Managing Change. Thank you to all those that supported, participated and encouraged me to get this done. 50 episodes to date.
Feb 05, 2014
Benefit from your ability to think across cultural, social and theological boundaries in order to tap into the well-spring of knowledge by being engaged. Learn what skills you posses that can Create, Develop and Produce desired outcomes.