Nov 29, 2009
Mark Leach lifts copyright protections on “Marienbad My Love” to encourage wide-scale republishing, copying and remixing of the 17-million-word work and promote literary appropriation as a valid creative endeavor
Nov 29, 2008
Sequel to Mark Leach’s “Marienbad My Love” resurrects protagonist of world’s longest novel
Oct 19, 2008
Consumers prefer longer works of fiction during economic downturns, suggesting a literary parallel to the 'Hemline Index."
Jul 06, 2008
New edition of Mark Leach's "Marienbad My Love" tops 12.6 million words; also sets records for longest word, sentence and book title
Mar 29, 2008
Novelist Mark Leach complains out-of-print DVD priced out of range of most consumers
Mar 29, 2008
"Marienbad My Love" by Mark Leach is the world's longest published novel in English.