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Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers Press releases

1 - 10 of 235 Press Releases

Apr 27, 2015
Unlike scaffold-based methods to engineer human tissues for regenerative medicine applications, an innovative synthetic material with the ability to self-assemble into nanostructures to support tissue growth and ultimately degrade offers a promising new..

Apr 24, 2015
Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, a new peer-reviewed, open access journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers (, is the only journal dedicated to the scientific, medical, and psychosocial exploration of clinical cannabis,.

Apr 23, 2015
Suicide remains the second leading cause of death for adolescents in the United States. This year nearly 5,000 adolescents will be the victims of suicide and over 500,000 will make a suicide attempt that will require an emergency room visit.

Apr 22, 2015
Previous guidelines from the American Thyroid Association (ATA) for evaluating and managing thyroid nodules and thyroid cancers targeted adults.

Apr 21, 2015
Although heavily promoted as a safer cigarette and an aid to quit smoking, electronic cigarettes and the nicotine they deliver pose particular risks to the developing brains and organs of children.

Apr 20, 2015
A new study of families participating in a clinical trial to treat children with severe physical aggression explored the factors affecting parent satisfaction with the research study.

Apr 16, 2015
Loss of muscle volume is a common and often debilitating outcome of traumatic orthopedic injury, resulting in muscle weakness and suboptimal limb function.

Apr 15, 2015
A new approach to combatting tuberculosis would take advantage of a complex, natural process called autophagy that the human body uses to recycle nutrients, remove damaged cell components, eliminate invading bacteria, and respond to inflammation.

Apr 14, 2015
Malaria is a critical health problem in West Africa, where traditional medicine is commonly used alongside modern healthcare practices.

Apr 14, 2015
Obstetricians and gynecologists have a unique opportunity to educate and encourage minority women to nurse their infants to help reduce persistent racial and ethnic disparities in breastfeeding.

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