Feb 14, 2018
Retro Games Are for Lovers This Valentine's Day, Mega Cat Studios has 14% off all orders with the coupon code LUSTYMEAT. This discount code ends Friday, but there's plenty of time to break some hearts and make some memories with 8 & 16 Bit dessert.
Jan 22, 2018
Baristas Beat Back Alien Menace in Coffee Crisis February 15th!
Jan 11, 2018
Call us old fashioned but here at Mega Cat Studios we long for the days before difficulty settings and being able to save your game around every corner,. Where split screen co-op was the reason you bought a game not an added bonus.
Nov 27, 2017
Little Medusa is an action puzzler about a Greek goddess having a terrible hair day- after Artemiza draws the ire of a fellow goddess, she finds herself transformed into a Gorgon. With snakes in her hair and a mind set on revenge
Nov 24, 2017
Caffeinated Couch Co-op Coffee Crisis Now Comes to Computers!