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Mind Taffy Design Press releases

11 - 13 of 13 Press Releases

Dec 13, 2012
The second edition of the top-selling Apress Android Programming book Android Apps for Absolute Beginners is officially available on all platforms in all formats, digital or print, as of December 12th of 2012. This book is written by Wallace Jackson.

Jun 21, 2012
Krillogy International has Released it's Educational 3D eBook title Krillionaire Storybook Edition, list priced at $3.99, in Amazon's Kindle Lending Library where it can be downloaded for Free for a limited time during 2012. The 3D eBook is 40 pages.

Mar 28, 2012
Krillogy CEO Victoria Wagner Hires Mind Taffy Design to Create Krillionaire 3D Educational Children's Storybook eBook Series for Amazon Kindle and Kindle Fire using open source software and technology.

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