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Mitchiner Law LLC Press releases

1 - 10 of 16 Press Releases

Jan 14, 2023
Whistleblowing is a term used to explain a person who reports conditions found in a workplace they believe to violate laws or safety measures. However, this can get murky between employers and their employees.

Dec 03, 2022
In 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health ACT (OSHA) was created to provide workers with safe and healthy working conditions. This is made possible by implementing standards and supplying training, education, assistance, and outreach.

Nov 01, 2022
In the U.S, companies must abide by federal and state regulations. When they fail to do so, it is up to law firms like Mitchiner Law to ensure their clients are being taken care of.

Oct 29, 2022
Discrimination in the workplace can be defined as mistreatment toward a person or people because of certain factors. Discrimination in the workplace is not tolerable.

Sep 01, 2022
The legal system has been around for many centuries. And over time, it has undergone a series of changes to ensure that all participants receive fair trials.

Jul 09, 2022
Mitchiner Law is on a mission to not just provide quality legal services but to explain the jargon that goes along with it. Today, we are focusing on explaining affidavits.

Jul 02, 2022
Need advice on public or private sector employment law. Look no further than Mitchiner Law, which prides itself on giving clients practical and strategical legal advice.

May 30, 2022
Are you facing a lawsuit? Mitchiner Law can help! We pride ourselves on not just helping but educating our clients, so they understand what is going on in their case.

May 07, 2022
Here at Mitchiner Law, we apply forward-thinking ideas and solutions to the most challenging legal issues you face. If you find yourself in litigation, we can assure you that our approach in every case comes with both passion and commitment.

Mar 22, 2022
Counterclaims Only after the original claim has been filed can a counterclaim against the opposing party be filed. Within the trial, the plaintiff acts defensively, and the defendant acts offensively regarding these counterclaims.

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