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New Mexico Enchanted Hikes Press releases

1 - 10 of 11 Press Releases

Jul 29, 2012
With over 300 days of sunshine each year, the Land of Enchantment is a boon for outdoor activities and many small businesses are available to help visitors make the best of their visit to New Mexico.

Jun 29, 2012
As hiking guides in New Mexico’s wilderness and desert areas, we are often asked what a hiker should do if stranded in the desert without water. The desert is a wealth of flora that can provide hydration if you know where to look.

May 18, 2012
A shift the public’s perception of New Mexico--from dull and desolate to awe-inspiring and worth visiting--can happen only if powered by those who choose to live in New Mexico rather than those who have lived there all their lives.

Apr 23, 2012
Join Albuquerque-based outfitter New Mexico Enchanted Hikes on a mesa hike and experience the spirit of the West, still alive despite our modern world's unrelenting pressures.

Apr 03, 2012
How hiking can impact arm lymphedema and what precautions to take in order to minimize side-effects while enjoying your time outdoors.

Apr 02, 2012
Yes, goblins do exist for real, we have met them and so can you!

Mar 19, 2012
It started in Europe and now 'wiking" has arrived Stateside. But what exactly is it all about?

Mar 13, 2012
With so much new technology available, chances of getting oneself in dire straits while being out and about in the backcountry are drastically reduced.

Mar 05, 2012
With 25 designated Wilderness areas, the Enchantment will exceed your expectations.

Feb 20, 2012
Taking the fight against osteoporosis outdoors can yield major health benefits

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