Panel Built, Inc. Press releases
Jan 03, 2020
As a prefabricated provider of security buildings, Panel Built offers simple, yet custom guard shack solutions to facility and campus security needs. As a turn-key provider, Panel Built can take care of every aspect of your guard shack project.
Dec 27, 2019
Operator booths can prove vital for the safe use of certain machinery or equipment. By providing a calm and controlled environment, operators able more easily able to focus solely at their task at hand.
Dec 20, 2019
Heat stress is a condition that affects a variety of employees working in a number of different fields. Panel Built's modular construction techniques allow for convenient and affordable placement of cool down booths to combat it.
Dec 13, 2019
Panel Built, Inc.'s ticket booths are delivered to the job site pre-assembled and ready to use. For organizations in the entertainment industry, prefabrication offers the quickest and most convenient ticket booth solution.
Nov 22, 2019
Panel Built's building systems are fully fabricated in a modular construction facility, ensuring quick and easy installation at the job site.
Nov 15, 2019
Each of Panel Built's machine enclosures is designed to meet the specific needs of the end customer. Each structure is fabricated from composite panels with materials chosen for that particular need.
Nov 01, 2019
Panel Built, Inc. modular cleanrooms create a clean air environment suitable for a variety of high-quality manufacturing, packaging, and measuring applications.
Oct 11, 2019
Panel Built's modular office systems allow for facilities to create a comfortable work environment quicker than any stick-built alternative. Break rooms, conference rooms, and supervisor offices can be installed into facilities in a blink of an eye.
Aug 30, 2019
Panel Built, Inc. fabricates and installs bullet-resistant buildings that meet military and government ballistic requirements, but the buildings are utilized in other sectors as well.
Sep 17, 2018
Panel Built, Inc. delivers 3,800 Sq Ft. luxury, modular building to jet hangar nestled in the heart of North Carolina.