Nov 18, 2015
Android is an evolving platform and B4A, the world’s easiest rapid Android app development tool, evolves to keep up. Niche publisher Penny Press publishes and gives away free updates of their best-selling book by in-house author Wyken Seagrave.
Aug 11, 2014
How can we understand the relative sizes of the largest and the smallest things in the universe? Two new interactive websites by British author Wyken Seagrave put these previously unimaginable objects into perspective with extraordinary clarity.
Apr 04, 2013
Basic4Android is widely recognised as the best RAD tool available for Android, yet so far no book has been published describing its facilities. This will be remedied on 21 October 2013 when “Basic4Android” will be published by Penny Press.
Oct 01, 2012
A new ebook “Halloween Magic & Silly Science” published on 1 Oct 2012 by British author Wyken Seagrave shows children ten magic tricks they can play on Halloween and then explains the science which makes them work.
Sep 09, 2012
As a public service, Penny Systems has today published a website which contains roughly half the articles from the 29 volumes of Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition published in 1910–1911 and which is therefore out of copyright.
Jun 11, 2012
The history of the universe will be explained in terms of simple science over a one year period by a series of 365 tweets or emails
Jun 11, 2012
To satisfy the increasing interest in “Big History”, Penny Press is today publishing its new eBook “History of the Universe” by Wyken Seagrave at the bargain price of only $1.99.
May 31, 2012
History of the Universe website has evolved. It has new content available to mobile web browsers. Readers can now follow our story from the Big Bang to the ultimate destiny of the universe explained using simple science and the latest information.
Mar 02, 2012
The History of the Universe, a Google Page Rank 5 site with over 800,000 annual visitors, is offering links to science or education related websites from only $1 per month.
Feb 25, 2012
The first novel by Coventry author Wyken Seagrave has shot into round two of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award 2012. The Cosmic Monopole, the result of ten years work, is the first of a series which will encompass the whole history of the universe.