Jun 23, 2020
Dr. Pam Shultz takes on new role to help broaden organization's online reach
May 28, 2020
Milestone agreement sees seven professional bodies join forces to set professional standards and ensure consumer transparency, with animal welfare at the forefront
Apr 08, 2020
10 long-standing PPG members and 10 eligible shelter and rescue organizations to be awarded with free membership for 12 months
Mar 02, 2020
Initiative will offer an array of educational prizes as incentive for participants to share their knowledge with fellow professionals, clients and pet owners and recruit signees
Feb 16, 2020
April event will mark unveiling of the Behavior and Welfare Toolkit, specifically designed to help increase adoption and retention rates in the shelter and rescue sector
Jan 13, 2020
BARKS from the Guild to offer both digital and print subscriptions
Nov 18, 2019
Representatives from Canine and Advocacy Divisions will aid key mission to drive change in the fields of pet care, training and behavior consulting
Oct 15, 2019
Initiative will support professionalization of dog training and behavior consulting throughout the United Kingdom
Jul 01, 2019
Successful candidates gain opportunity to broaden their knowledge base in the fields of pet care, training and behavior consulting at selected educational institutions
Apr 04, 2019
Under the program, eligible candidates can now apply for opportunities to further their force-free education