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Pretty Brainy, Inc. Press releases

1 - 5 of 5 Press Releases

Sep 19, 2010
Parents, children and experts in media and education have honored Colorado designer Pretty Brainy for the top Gold award for an innovative tee shirt design for 'tween girls. The girl-inspired product combines math, bios and responsible manufacturing.

Jun 14, 2010
Good News in Tough Times. Pretty Brainy, a start-up in the shrinking apparel industry, was able to hire workers through a stimulus program that pays the wages. The employees are pursuing career dreams and their job center is fulfilling its mission.

May 12, 2010
Who says girls can’t do math? Interviews with preteens show most girls aim for careers that rely on math, science, or both fields. Girls also set goals in terms of not one, but multiple occupations. Pretty Brainy, Inc., is leading the interviews.

Feb 03, 2010
Creativity and Innovation Love Company: ’Tween Clothing Company Pretty Brainy Moves to Fort Collins; City’s Numerous Accolades Spur Relocation of ’Tween Fashion Line

Jul 17, 2009
New back-to-school apparel is designed to boost tween girls' self-confidence and know-how in math and science. Design innovation comprises concise notes for quick reference (or "crib sheets") with girlish styling and embellishments.

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