Sep 21, 2009
LGBT Small Press Publisher QUEERED FICTION releases Science Fiction Anthology featuring 18 talented authors and their visions of tomorrow where the future is queer.
Jul 24, 2009
The werewolves have invaded. They’re on the radio and on the television and on your bookcase. Right now-somewhere in your home or very close by-a werewolf is transforming. Some of those werewolves are stepping out of the closet...the queer wolves.
Mar 11, 2009
QueeredFiction unleashes Queer Werewolves under the Full Moon, 11 March 2009. The Urban Fantasy/Paranomal Queer Wolf Anthology has been released in eBook--let the pink moon overwhelm you.
Dec 01, 2008
Open call for submissions for a Science Fiction Anthology to be published by QueeredFiction where genre is queered. Deadline is 28 February 2009.
Oct 22, 2008
Open call for submissions for the anthology Queer Wolf published by QueeredFiction where genre is queered. Deadline is 30 November 2008. Publication in eBook & Paperback format in early 2009.
Oct 21, 2008
Out between pages in 2009, there's a new small press on the block fresh out of the closet - QueeredFiction.