Rancho Arco Iris, Inc. Press releases
Jul 18, 2009
Boise, ID July 18, 2009-- Ki Wellness Consulting announces it first annual Wellness Symposium, to be hosted July 24-26, 2009 at the Eighth Street Center, at 8th Ave. North, Buhl, ID 83316, Home of the Buhl Arts Council
Jul 07, 2009
Rancho Arco Iris, Inc., a consulting and publishing firm is pleased to announce the first book signing for Joe Thames Gundy, an Idaho author, at Hastings for his latest book, Computeritis, and How to Survive the Technological Age.
Jun 23, 2009
Boise, ID June 23, 2009 -- Rancho Arco Iris, Inc., a consulting and publishing firm is pleased to announce the release for Joe Thames Gundy, an Idaho author, of his latest book, Computeritis, and How to Survive the Technological Age.