Mar 24, 2015
Ask Yourself. What would be so serious, that 100 Middle-School Students could pack into a cafeteria one afternoon for detention.....But none get suspended or expelled?
Mar 10, 2015 indites insecure men. He outs them as untrustworthy, poor decision makers, weak husbands, and passive fathers.
Mar 03, 2015
Shame motivates us all. It motivates some to steal, when they are going without. Shame motivated us to dress appropriate for the occasion. Shame can motivate the weak to become strong.
Feb 24, 2015
Induldge in everything. Spoil Yourself, Die Early, Unhealthy, Sad, maybe alone. It's up to you how you'd like to live. Do you want too much or not enough.
Feb 17, 2015
According to 3.2 MILLION students are bullied every year in the United States. Blogger says that means more kids need to learn to take better care of themselves.
Feb 10, 2015 attempts to slow us all down socially. Blogger attempts to get us to see a larger perspective and the obvious solutions to our most painful problems.
Feb 04, 2015
Squish means: not firm, unsteady, soft and yielding. These are characteristics of pillows, 1800's suspension bridges, cashmere, and maybe traffic signs. None of these things describe a man or what he should be. So why are there so many squishy men?
Jan 26, 2015
Blogger tries comparing women to banks. He's found a way to boil down ALL women to characteristics of actual Banks! "Every woman has her place. As do Banks."
Jan 21, 2015
Rage is a ugly thing. Rage is many things but it's never ONLY Rage. Blogger exposes himself and his Rage. He calls it what it is, then tries his best to move past it.
Jan 07, 2015
There are many things men should consider before popping the question. This is a stressful process that leaves men unsure of what is the MOST important factor to consider. Blogger has the answer....Controversial yes, but important none the less.