Mar 19, 2010
Nostradamus ciphertexts have been hidden for almost 500 years - Présages, Sixains, and Centuries, that correlate to a hidden legend. This is groundbreaking news for scholars, a breakthrough for code breakers, and revelation for the spiritual minded.
Feb 08, 2010
Dr. Michal Deschausses has decoded a ciphertext in the writings of Nostradamus. Ciphertext is an ancient form of permuting letters has existed from ancient to modern times. Three literary works have been fully deciphered revealing a secret legend.
Sep 14, 2009
"The Nostradamus Effect" is currently aired on the History Channel, and “Three Temporal Kings – Nostradamus Prophecies of the Divine Plan” is currently available through most local and online booksellers.
Jun 19, 2009
Deschausses offers the first insight into the Centuries of Nostradamus providing a unified theme that relates the proven past, active present, and near future of humanity - an astounding and true prophecy of three antichrists.
May 17, 2009
The vast research of Deschausses offers fresh insight into the Centuries of Nostradamus as the first providing a common theme of the verses. The intellectual, spiritual light shed relates the proven past, active present, and near future.
Jan 31, 2009
Michal Deschausses, an American born author, has decoded a ciphertext hidden for over 450 years in the writings of Nostradamus. The book is entitled Rise to Consciousness.