Mar 28, 2008
With the Presidential race heating up it appears as though everyone has an opinion. But what role should they play? And more importantly, why should we listen to them?
Mar 27, 2008
Homeowners across the country are feeling the pressure of a decling housing market. What effects do the decline in home values have on your Reverse Mortgage or your chances of getting one?
Mar 24, 2008
Equity Sharing programs are being pitched as the new alternative to Reverse Mortgages, but what you don't know may end up costing you more than you bargained for.
Mar 20, 2008
Reverse Mortgages are increasingly become a popular tool with senior homeowners to provide a more comfortable retirement. But for those who decided against a Reverse Mortgage, what did they cite as their reasons?
Mar 18, 2008
Reverse Mortgages have become more and more common within the last few years, but are they right for you? What once was a niche product with limited benefit, we now see a trend growing towards Reverse Mortgages as a staple of retirement planning.
Mar 17, 2008
Reverse Mortgages allow many different ways to utilize the equity in your home. The question everyone has when they are considering a Reverse Mortgage is, "How can I get the procedes?"
Mar 14, 2008
The downfall of the U.S. credit markets has left many homeowners out in the cold, unable to refinance, purchase or sell their homes. What does the collapse of the credit market mean for those looking for a Reverse Mortgage?