Dec 23, 2021
Why is it so good. Others use the same grapes but it doesn't taste like sea aged. even aged out at sea doesn't taste this good.
Aug 28, 2021
British inventors have come up with an amazing invention. A car that recharges the batteries from wind power as it moves along.
Jun 08, 2021
Joining forces to bring the best products. From power drinks and snacks to Wine, Cava and Cider. Uniting brings customers better service.
Mar 04, 2021
The name Diablo for the range of putters came into being when the clubs were being tested on the Spanish courses in Spain. Because it was out putting all other putters.
Feb 06, 2021
They have invented a washing machine. It Uses 70% less water, as it can filter and recycle washing water. It uses 70% less energy, as it heats washing water from room temperature. It also uses over 50% less washing liquid, to get even better results.
Dec 20, 2020
The products from this company can save your health and your money. Not only that they save the environment.
Dec 03, 2020
Now known as El Diablo. Uniputt hope to gain sales from less putts. When golfers try this putter they will soon see that they can take much less putts per round.
Nov 23, 2020
Thinking of everything? Possibly but you need to demonstrate what you can do, that can now be almost anywhere.
Nov 09, 2020
A new patented golf putter with a patented inverted loft, out putts all other putters.
Oct 05, 2020
With unique patented features they claim will allow less putts per round. It's quite easy to see why this is possible, even cloaking comes into play. Straight away you see the inverted loft face.