Oct 17, 2017
"Find your peace of mind – or lose your mind" tells you how to survive the collapse of our values, morals and principles
Oct 02, 2017
"Find your peace of mind – or lose your mind" tells you how to survive the collapse of our values, morals and principles
Nov 19, 2012
It does not matter what you say, it only matters what your listeners actually understand. Period. Therefore, communicating your message the most effective way is an art only some people master really well.
Nov 18, 2012
According to the Marketwire, the US advertising industry is going to see a major shift towards video advertising - especially online video on distribution channels such as YouTube.
Nov 18, 2012
Saving money is the magic word nowadays. Virtually all businesses emphasize that. This mostly means doing everything you can by yourself.
Nov 17, 2012
Most small businesses in the US face tough times. Profit margins are melting down. Government regulations and taxes are suffocating their prosperity. Surviving is the key word.
Nov 16, 2012
Saving money is the magic word. Most companies are forced to do just that. What is closer than saving money on promotional photography? Everybody can “take pictures” with fully automatic digital cameras nowadays – right?
Nov 15, 2012
Do we still get awarded for our honesty in our business dealings nowadays – or are we better off to make a fast buck by just disregarding ethics, morals and principles - as many people do?
Nov 14, 2012
We are facing some of the worst economic times in US history. It's the recession, the tax and regulations uncertainty, and it's the lack of new clients interested in our products or services.
Nov 13, 2012
We are probably facing the most dire economic future ever - but we can’t expect our government to bail us out. The only question is what we are going to do. Doing nothing is not an option.