Sep 11, 2008
TRIBUTE TO SILVER STAR FAMILIES OF AMERICA Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson paid a rare tribute to an organization founded to remember, honor and assist the wounded and ill of our Armed Forces by reading a tribute into the Congressional Record:
Aug 28, 2008
Today it was announced that Governor Anoatubby of the Chickasaw Nation has joined with the Silver Star Families of America and signed a proclamation declaring May 1st Silver Star Banner Day in honor of our wounded and ill service members.
Aug 14, 2008
Starting today, members of the Merchant Marines who have served during war time and were wounded can apply for the coveted Silver Star Banner.
Jul 24, 2008
Today it was announced that the Silver Star Families of America, an organization founded to remember and honor the wounded and ill of our armed forces, has reached the 1 million dollar mark in donated volunteer hours and materials.
Jul 13, 2008
It was announced today that the Silver Star Families of America has presented the first allied service member a Silver Star Service Banner.