Apr 05, 2023
The brightness of stardom can blind, and cause some to be lost by light. Is the purpose of living to gain celebrity status in the world?
Apr 04, 2023
As a real life zombie drug takes over the streets; the saga of rotting living corpses returns to the movie screen.
Apr 01, 2023
Narratives imposed from the outside for political or economic ends, scientific research provides a meaningful, and underappreciated tool for righting colonial wrongs.
Mar 25, 2023
So why wouldn't Netflix apply a maturity rating from television to "Blonde"?
Mar 22, 2023
A rise in stardom is a dream come true for some, but the spotlight can fade over time. In this automated society trends tend to last for a short period of time.
Mar 21, 2023
A thought then a smile, after that an action that causes mayhem, and destruction. The original jester that was used for the enjoyment of kings.
Mar 21, 2023
A renowned character actor recognized for his portrayal of intense, and possibly sinister authority. He will be deeply missed by his fans, and colleagues alike.
Mar 09, 2023
The heart beats a tone that can express a story that can last for thousands of years
Feb 09, 2023
From the trophy case we move on to the stadium field. The green is home!
Jan 20, 2023
The House of Representatives approved bill 405-18, legislation (H.R. 4678). The bill is designed to improve the childrens' financial assistance system.