Nov 06, 2014
A lot of clients of Spryng, especially municipalities and healthcare institutions send extensively passwords via the Spryng SMS Gateway.
Oct 14, 2014
The retail industry has also gotten aware of the effectiveness of SMS. A lot of retailers use the SMS Gateway of Spryng to inform their customers about the current status of products that have been ordered online.
Jun 13, 2013
PRESSMESSAGE – Amsterdam, 13th of June 2013 Assurance advisor extra customer directed with new SMS service of Meetingpoint. From research is proved that 98% of all text messages are directly opened en read. With e-mail, the opening ratio is 11%.
May 20, 2008
Spryng has extended it’s activities with a worldwide SMS Wholesale service. Spryng’s worldwide SMS wholesale gateway offers customers the possibility to purchase and send bulk SMS everywhere around the world through the SMS wholesale gateway.