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71 - 80 of 88 Press Releases

Aug 12, 2020
Faced with the critical situation of the current food and gastronomic industries, the Venezuelan Ivaneska Calixto (CEO of IQ Social Business) and the Spanish Juliana No (CEO of Stand Out Consulting) decided to create the IQ Gastronomic Summit to educate..

Aug 12, 2020
Ante la crítica situación de la industria alimenticia y gastronómica actual, la venezolana Ivaneska Calixto (CEO de IQ Social Business) y la española Juliana No (CEO de Stand Out Consulting) deciden crear el IQ Gastronomic Summit para educar y...

Aug 11, 2020
Reconocidos specialistas culinarios a nivel internacional van a ser parte de este proyecto.

Aug 10, 2020
As Covid-19 changes the scope of work and plain field for many industries, the events, food and tourism industries are still some of the ones suffering the most. It's also where we're seeing some of the biggest innovations.

Jun 29, 2020
The international event will last 5 days with 14 speakers from different countries and will cover trends and updates on visas,wealth management, investments and real estate for Hispanic investors in the US.

Jun 10, 2020
The EMPRESARIAS 2020 conference becomes a movement under the new Hispanic Women Leaders platform. 500 women registered for the online version of the conference.

Jun 10, 2020
La conferencia internacional 'Inversionistas Hispanos 2020' que tendria lugar en Orlando se cancela por COVID-19 y se convierte en una conferencia online de mayor envergadura.

May 11, 2020
Juliana No, CEO de Stand Out Consulting e Ivaneska Calixto, CEO de IQ Social Business tras el éxito de EMPRESARIAS 2020 este pasado Enero con cerca de 150 asistentes y unas 200 que se quedaron en lista de espera, lanzan EMPRESARIAS 2020 online.

Apr 01, 2020
PES (Private Equity Solutions) gives back to first responders with cash towards the purchase of their homes.

Mar 02, 2020
Por segundo año consecutivo, la organización sin fines de lucro Mujer Emprende Latina, llevará a cabo la celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer sobre Ruedas, este año con el 'ME Latina & WE The Women Tour'.

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