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SuperGeo Technologies Press releases

141 - 150 of 363 Press Releases

Apr 04, 2011
SuperGeo is going to attend Map Malaysia and Map Middle East 2011 in April. SuperGeo and its partners will be showcasing the latest SuperGIS software as well as GIS applications in various domains during these important geospatial events.

Feb 08, 2011
SuperGeo announced its new reseller in Poland, where geoMpix Piotr Piech is authorized to distribute SuperGIS series software.

Feb 01, 2011
SuperGeo announced the partnership with III. SuperGeo International Marketing Team and the International Division at III will collaborate in the promotion of SuperGIS software, applications, and services globally.

Feb 01, 2011
SuperGeo is pleased to announce that the whole new GPS Learning CD is going to be issued soon.

Jan 04, 2011
SuperGeo Technologies held SuperGIS training program in Kuwait for “Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research” (KISR).

Jan 04, 2011
SuperGeo Technologies announce that the latest SuperNetObjects 3 is going to be released.

Dec 28, 2010
SuperGeo announced its new reseller in Indonesia. SuperGeo is going to cooperate with PT. Jaya Kencana Perkasa in large project services.

Dec 28, 2010
SuperGeo announced that SuperGIS Server 3, the comprehensive server-based GIS, is compatible with 64-bit operating environment.

Dec 22, 2010
SuperGeo released a white paper of SuperGIS Server 3 website performance testing report. In the white paper, various suggestions are provided to help developers evaluate their own server environment and create high-efficient GIS websites.

Dec 21, 2010
SuperGeo announce that it has won Geospatial Excellence Award by means of the application “Taipei City Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) Web”, structured on SuperWebGIS.

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