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Supergeo Technologies Inc. Press releases

91 - 100 of 309 Press Releases

Jul 14, 2015
An update version for SuperPad 3.3 is going to launch! With the effort of Supergeo R&D team, both the usability and reliability had been raised and now fit with more useful functions for solid field works.

Jul 14, 2015
Environmental Protection Administration, Taiwan has offered citizens and governmental sectors a comprehensive information portal since 2000, to meet the global concerns of environments.

Jul 08, 2015
Supergeo Technologies, the leading GIS software and solutions provider, announces that Institute of Ecology and Geobotany, Yunnan Universityimports GIS by selecting GIS Learning CD to spread and educate the technologies more easily.

Jul 07, 2015
Supergeo is going to upgrade all the products to a new level, the 10 series, including SuperGIS Server. The most exciting thing in SuperGIS Server 10 is its integration of 2D and 3D capabilities.

Jul 01, 2015
Supergeo Technologies, the leading GIS software and solution provider, announces that SuperGIS Desktop assists Mesurage Group Pty Ltd, Australia to process surveyed data for value-added applications and services.

Jun 22, 2015
Supergeo Technologies, the leading GIS software provider, announces that Deli Serdang Regional Sector for Planning and Development, Indonesia selects SuperPad, the mapping application designed for Windows Mobile, to power up fieldwork quality.

Jun 17, 2015
Can’t find the best fit mobile GIS solution for your field work? Wondering with all the hardcore and complicated operations in most survey Apps? Get ready to experience the brand new SuperSurv 10 with a fresh appearance and strongly enhanced user...

Jun 10, 2015
Influenced by traditional Chinese thoughts, having own real estate is almost everyone’s life target in Taiwanese community.

Jun 03, 2015
Supergeo long-term partner, KISR, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, has adopted the latest SuperGIS Desktop 3.3 and SuperPad 3.3 to not only raise GIS work effectiveness, but also strengthen the efficiency of spatial information application and...

Jun 03, 2015
Have you ever tried to transform your traditional static map into a living, dynamic map with time dimension? This October, Supergeo is going to formally launch SuperGIS Desktop 10.

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