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SwiftERM Press releases

1 - 6 of 6 Press Releases

Jul 12, 2023
You may feel that it would be reasonable to add to your tech stack incrementally, as you measure your progression and remain within a designated comfort zone, interpreted here let's say, as reasonable parameters.

May 02, 2023
The era of robotic email marketing has begun. You've probably had your first taste of artificial intelligence from science fiction films that depict robots gaining sentience through the wonders of the technology, and robotic email marketing is now here.

Nov 26, 2021
Why you need a personalisation program as well. Most email programs today still rely on basic CRM-based segmentation, with very little personalisation being applied according to meaningful interactions that take place on the site or app.

Aug 30, 2021
The belle époque for wine ecommerce. We are all now (finally) living in the 'Golden Age' of wine online, where the opportunities are enormous for those operators prepared to invest and put digital at the top of their agenda.

Aug 29, 2021
The ultimate guide to fashion ecommerce business planning. Beginning a clothing business requires a great passion for clothing design and fashion style.

Aug 29, 2021
Building the next-gen customer experience. Artificial Intelligence has a rich history of optimising business outcomes. For example, over the past decade, airlines worldwide have used AI to set dynamic pricing for airline tickets.

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